Metal Finishing Blog | AOTCO

The Power of Hardcoat Anodizing: What You Need To Know

Written by Myer Henderson | Jul 16, 2024

When it comes to metal surface finishings, there’s something special about hardcoat anodizing. It dramatically enhances the properties of certain metals, particularly aluminum and titanium alloys, making the surfaces highly abrasion-resistant and non-conductive. 

Hardcoat anodizing, also sometimes known as hard anodizing or Type III (or Type 3) hardcoat anodizing, is essential for a wide range of commercial and consumer applications, particularly where components face extreme wear and corrosive environments. 

Hardcoat anodizing, as the name suggests, is an advanced process that creates a dense, wear-resistant surface on metals. Unlike traditional anodizing (called Type II or Type 2), which primarily enhances the aesthetic appeal and provides a more moderate level of protection, hardcoat anodizing produces a much thicker and more robust oxide layer, making it ideal for applications requiring extreme abrasion and corrosion resistance.  

Here’s what you need to know about the power of hardcoat anodizing and what it can do for your products. 

The Type 3 Hardcoat Anodize Process 

The process involves submerging the metal part, typically aluminum or titanium, in a sulfuric acid bath while an electric current passes through the solution. 

The metal acts as the positive electrode (anode), leading to the formation of a thick aluminum oxide or titanium oxide layer. This dense anodic coating enhances the metal’s durability and improves both surface hardness and corrosion resistance.

In fact, the increased thickness and density can make aluminum surfaces harder than steel.

Key Steps in the Process

  1. Preparation: The metal parts are meticulously cleaned to remove any contaminants that might affect the quality of the anodizing. This step ensures the metal surface is pristine and ready for the anodizing process.
  2. Anodizing: The cleaned metal parts are submerged in a sulfuric acid electrolyte solution. An electric current is then applied, causing the metal to act as the anode. The current’s intensity and duration are carefully controlled to develop the desired oxide layer thickness.
  3. Sealing: To enhance the durability of the anodized coating, the parts are often sealed to help to lock in the protective properties of the anodized layer.
  4. Quality Control: Each anodized part undergoes rigorous inspection to ensure it meets all specifications, including coating thickness, color, and surface hardness. This step is crucial for maintaining high-quality standards and ensuring optimal performance of the finished parts.

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Key Benefits of Hardcoat Anodizing 

Hardcoat anodizing has numerous advantages compared to other types of metal finishing, including:

  • Enhanced Durability: The hardcoat created through this process significantly improves the wear resistance of metals, enabling them to endure prolonged exposure to harsh conditions. This makes it ideal for components that are subject to frequent friction or heavy use.
  • Corrosion Resistance: The thick oxide layer formed during hardcoat anodizing provides exceptional protection against corrosion. This is crucial for components exposed to corrosive environments, such as marine or industrial settings, where metal parts need to resist degradation over time.
  • Improved Surface Finish: Hardcoat anodizing allows for precise control over the surface finish and color, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the components while also contributing to their functionality.
  • Thermal Properties: The process enhances the thermal resistance of metals, making them capable of withstanding both high temperatures and low bath temperatures encountered during various industrial processes. This is particularly important in applications where thermal stability is critical.
  • Electrical Resistivity: By improving the electrical resistivity of the metal surface, hardcoat anodizing makes components suitable for use in electrical and electronic applications. The non-conductive nature of the anodized layer prevents electrical interference and ensures safety.
  • Wear Resistance: The increased wear resistance provided by hardcoat anodizing makes it ideal for components that experience heavy mechanical wear. This includes moving parts in machinery, automotive components and tools that must maintain their integrity under constant stress.
  • Lubricosity: The porous anodized layer allows it to retain lubricants and coatings, which can further reduce friction and wear, enhancing parts’ longevity and efficiency.
  • Sterilization and Non-Contaminating Properties: Hardcoat anodized surfaces are easily sterilized and possess non-contaminating attributes, making them suitable for medical instruments and food processing equipment where hygiene and safety are non-negotiable.

Appearance Variations in Hard Anodizing 

The appearance after hard anodizing will depend on the alloy used and the thickness of the coating. As a result, hard anodize is categorized into two primary classes based on appearance:

  • Class 1 (Undyed): This category typically results in the product surface having deep gray or black hues. Others may show a more bronze-gray color. The undyed coatings in Class 1 are generally not used for decorative purposes.
  • Class 2 (Dyed): Black dye is commonly used in this class to achieve a uniform and attractive finish appearance. 

A note about colors: Regular anodize (such as type II) can be dyed in a variety of different colors.  

Hard Anodizing Applications and Industries

Given its robust properties, hardcoat anodizing is employed across a wide range of industries,  making it an essential process for many different types of manufacturers looking to enhance product quality and resilience. 

Aerospace Industry

Components in the aerospace industry, such as structural parts, gears, and hydraulic systems, require high levels of durability and corrosion resistance. Hardcoat anodizing ensures these parts can withstand extreme operational conditions, extending part lifespan and reducing the frequency of replacements.

Medical Devices

Medical devices and instruments have to be durable and able to withstand a lifetime of sterilization. Hardcoat anodizing provides a non-contaminating, corrosion-resistant surface that can endure repeated sterilization processes without degradation.

Military and Defense

Military applications demand materials that can endure extreme environments and rigorous use. Hardcoat anodizing provides the necessary protection and durability for weapons, vehicles and other defense equipment.

Automotive Industry

In the automotive sector, components such as engine parts, brake systems, and suspension components benefit from the wear resistance and corrosion protection offered by hardcoat anodizing, enhancing part and vehicle reliability and lifespan.

Optical Devices and Electronics

Components in optical devices and electronic gadgets require precise finishes and often need to be non-conductive. Hardcoat anodizing meets these needs, improving both functionality and appearance.

Anodized Titanium vs Anodized Aluminum

Anodized titanium and anodized aluminum involve a similar process but offer unique properties based on each metal’s inherent characteristics.

Aluminum is a popular choice for many different types of applications because it is more affordable than other metal options and benefits from prolonged longevity and durability when it undergoes the hardcoat aluminum anodizing process. 

Hardcoat anodized aluminum is thicker than regular anodized aluminum and so the surface is much more resistant to corrosion and wear. It can also be altered to meet aesthetic desires, including different colors.  

Titanium, on the other hand, is a much more expensive material to work with. Raw titanium can cost up to ten times more than aluminum, but it offers superior strength, corrosion resistance, and durability. When it is hardcoat anodized, those traits become even more pronounced. 

As with aluminum, Type III hardcoat anodized titanium has a thicker, more sense, and more wear-resistant layer compared to other types of anodization. This makes it ideal for applications requiring a higher degree of durability and protection against wear and tear, like in the aerospace industry. 

A Note About AMS 2482 Hardcoat PTFE 

An advanced variation of hardcoat anodizing involves Teflon impregnation, which enhances the already impressive properties of the anodized layer. 

The result? The thickest layer of oxide of all the anodizing processes, combining the increased hardness and strength with the unique lubricity of Teflon. This creates self-lubricating components that are highly resistant to wear, abrasion, and corrosion. It is an ideal choice for critical applications in demanding environments, like aerospace. 

AMS 2482 is the aerospace material specification for Type III hardcoat anodize with Teflon Impregnation.

Hardcoat Anodizing Made Easy 

At AOTCO, we pride ourselves on our comprehensive range of services tailored to meet your specific needs. Our state-of-the-art facilities and skilled teams handle complex projects with precision and efficiency, ensuring every step of the hardcoat anodizing process is optimized for you and your products. 

Tap into our decades of experience and innovative solutions to ensure your components are finished to perfection, ready to withstand the demands of any environment. Need more information or specs? Contact us today.