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Supplier Terms and Conditions

Supplier General Terms and Conditions (7/28/21)

AOTCO values the products and services received from our Suppliers. In order to ensure quality products and services, all Purchase Orders issued to you have the following terms and conditions:

  • Suppliers shall conform to the drawing and/or specification requirements flowed to them, including revision levels imposed on drawing and/or PO and certify to those revisions on C of C or C of A.
  • AOTCO reserves the right of approval for product, methods, processes and equipment, and for the release of product to AOTCO.
  • AOTCO reserves the right to ensure the competence of employees working on AOTCO product and request qualifications of those employees.
  • Suppliers shall interact with AOTCO regarding any question of an open PO or a shipped product.
  • Suppliers are measured for OTD and quality by AOTCO on ongoing basis.
  • AOTCO, our customers and regulatory agencies reserve the right to source inspect product and/or services prior to shipment, if annotated on the purchase order.
  • Supplier must comply to any special requirements, key characteristic and critical items identified on PO or drawings.
  • Supplier to perform all inspections, testing, and verifications identified on the drawing, PO or applicable specifications and this documented information shall be available to AOTCO upon request.
  • FAI to be provided if requested on AOTCO PO and comply with the format and requirements of AS9102.
  • Supplier will utilize statistical techniques for product acceptance when requested on PO.
  • Suppliers shall;
    • implement and maintain a quality system applicable to its product and processes
    • use customer designated sources or approved external providers
    • notify AOTCO of nonconforming processes, products or services and obtain approval for their disposition
    • take appropriate steps to prevent the use of counterfeit material and products
    • notify AOTCO of any changes in product or processes that directly affects the product or service provided including changes in their external providers or location of manufacture, and to obtain authorization/approval from AOTCO prior to implementation of any changes
    • provide test specimens if so noted on the purchase order
    • flow down to any sub tier supplier the applicable requirements in AOTCO purchase order; including key characteristics
    • retain all records associated with this purchase order for 5 years unless otherwise directed on the P.O. Disposal at the end of retention period for hard copy documents shall be by shredding and for electronic documents by deletion
  • Acceptance of an order, contract or tender from AOTCO allows our personnel, our customer representatives and statutory/regulatory agency representatives the right of entry into your facility to review any product, process or records relative to our purchase order
  • Suppliers performing calibration services or material testing must maintain and ISO 17025 registration
  • Suppliers shall provide evidence, such as Test Reports or a Certificate of Compliance, that the order meets all referenced standards as well as applicable commercial or military standards
  • Shelf life materials shall have 90% of its shelf life remaining at the time of shipment to AOTCO
  • Any Source inspection shall be required by Purchase Order only. It shall not preclude subsequent rejection by AOTCO.

Thank you,

Dave Calvetti
Quality Assurance Manager
AOTCO Metal Finishing LLC